Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Chapel in Cable, WI.
We believe, teach, and confess all that is taught by the Holy Scriptures because Jesus Christ affirmed the Bible as being the true, authoritative, and pure Word of God which all points to Christ’s incarnational work to redeem us sinners through His life, death, and resurrection from the dead. We firmly remain in the one and only faith by abiding in the pure preaching of God’s Word, the right administration of the holy Sacraments, and ongoing instruction of all people in the one Christian and Apostolic faith. This faith is lived out in receiving God’s gifts as we were given them (Jn 17:8) through historically consistent worship with the Reformation and the church catholic and through the various vocations to which God has called each us us to serve our neighbors with the love that we freely received from Him. For those who are cautious during the current pandemic, or who may feel uncomfortable attending worship services, we are encouraging folks to tune in to My Savior Lives: Northland on Sundays at 0930, Channel 6, station KBJR. This is a worship service conducted by local pastors of the LC-MS and can also be accessed by https://vimeo.com/user82955593.
We are an evangelical, orthodox, and catholic congregation, proclaiming Jesus Christ crucified, risen, and reigning for the salvation of the world. Therefore, we faithfully confess the Book of Concord of 1580 along with the other congregations of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.
Our worship time is 8:00am.
We hope to see you on Sunday!
Check out our Calendar for upcoming events.